Saturday, August 22, 2009

Semi-relief, Cosmo and Unsuccessful Day

So Thursday I was suppose to get a FREE hair color over at Supercuts. Before you judge, FREE! I just went in for a trim on Tuesday ( I needed something cheap not costing $60). The girl cutting my hair was chit chatting away about hair coloring. I personally thought she kept talking because she wanted me to give her a good tip. Next thing I know it she is asking me what I'm doing on Thursday(work) and what time (8am-2pm). "Perfect!" she said, "How would you like to be a model?" Now I am thinking WTF and for about 5 seconds with a WTF expression on my face she finally explained. I get a free hair color, basically taking her place because she originally was the client, but couldn't make it and wanted me to take her place. GOOD DEAL. OF course I was a bit sketch, but she explained that it was opened to her friends and family and I didn't need to bring anything.

After explaining to people my fortunate FREE hair color, I was scared and excited to get my hair done today. ALthough I failed to ask a certain question, do I get to choose what color to dye my hair? But I got a call with a cancellation (my stylist wasn't feeling well). I thought I would be disappointed, but no! I was happy! It might not even of been a good time to dye my hair. Who knows how it may turn out and I don't need the pressure of the "OMG my hairrrrr!" Things are coming up and I don't want to be looking not-cute for them. :]

Now at work, after 5 long non-eventful hours at the new Law store, Cosmo and Glamour magazines and many pages of The Time's Traveler's Wife, my fellow cashier and I have concluded: Cosmo magazines are almost exactly alike and can make girls think some stupid things. I don't know if I want to get into this. All I want to say us girls (maybe even boys) may only believe the things in Cosmo because it is printed on paper. Seriously, how many "sexy things can you do with your boyfriend"? (I swear that has been the same topic for the past 5 issues)

Today has been very VERY unsuccessful. It consist of me driving around Westminster for hours, where I thought I knew where I was going. I need my GPS back. You know where you think you might be lost, but maybe have some kind of idea where you are? YEA. I was completely lost. I was going down this street for a while thinking I will hit the street that I needed to go on. No luck. Other way? Nope. Wheres the freeway? Man, U-turn. I gave up and didn't accomplish anything. Plus I had no one to share it with (note to self: bring someone when you get lost). I am very surprise I was able to get back home. So complete fail for today.

Lets hope tomorrow will be more eventful.

And I hate to say it, SLOFing has hit a all time low. With only a few weeks left, I need to step it up. I need encouragement people!

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