Monday, August 3, 2009

Introduction and today

I've realize it's a bit odd that I've started blogging about a month and a half into summer. So why now? 1. There is still another month and half of summer. 2. I noticed that my summer has been awesome. 3. I am getting kind of tried explaining individually to people about my summer. 4. Other people have blogs and convinced me to get one, such as Alan Enriquez and Albert Chang (which both interesting to read).

If you haven't noticed this blog is mostly about my summer and SLOFing. I KNOW. I am very into this SLOF of mine, that's just the kind of person I am.

From my SLOF, I think I have created hobbies. Hobbies that I might not be very good at, but I do enjoy doing them.

1. Fishing: It is not boring. In fact, it is relaxing. I try to fish whenever I have about almost a car full of people willing to fish and when I have good 5-6 hour gap in my day to catch or not catch fish. Fishing can make you go through a lot of emotions. Overall the best feeling is catching some after trying 2 times with no luck, 3rd time is a charm.

2. Biking: I am not an athletic person, nor do I have the urge to be. But biking is so much fun! The wind in your face and hair is by far my favorite part. I bike almost everyday for about 20 minutes to one hour depending on my mood and if I have company. The only bad thing is I got DARK (mainly my shoulders and forehead).

Anyways, I actually woke up at 9AM today willingly. That is early since I have only been working (long hours) on Thursdays and Fridays around noon, no summer school or large summer responsibilities, so basically I have a 5-day weekend. HOLLA.
Today my family is going to celebrate my mommy's birthday (Happy Birthday MOM!)and YES we are SLOFing! And double yes, I told my parents about my SLOF and they are very into it as well. They want me to complete it and be a part of it. So today we are going on our boat to fish. And I am not talking about those little fishes you saw in my SLOF photo album, I am hoping for big ass fish this time. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

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