Friday, August 14, 2009

I like to blog in the mornings

So today I woke up around 6AM. Clearly I can't go back to sleep which is a shame because I have work later and it will kick me in the ass. So I have concluded that mornings and nights are when I think too much. Mornings because you think about the day ahead of you. What will you do? What will you wear? Don't forget to (fill in the blank)! Then at night you think about the day you just had. I wonder if I did that right. Damn it I should of (fill in the blank)! So on and so on. But then when you over examine your day, so many thoughts will run through your head. Its all jumbled and next thing you know it there is so much on your mind you just can't go to sleep. When you finally do sleep you will have dream that will symbolize what you've been thinking about. Already so restless from sleeping a simple bird chirp will wake your ass up at 6AM (reminder shut the window before I sleep). Then it starts all over again. Or maybe you just woke up early because you drank just a little too much the night before.

I wish I was a guy because from some reason guys can just knock out whenever.

Whawhoo Pictures!

What is wrong with this picture?

Guess who...

An attempt to take a picture of the many chicken tacos ordered that night.

Made with love. Thanks to those Palmdale kids.