Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GLEE: Season 2, Episode 3 [Grilled Cheesus]

So just watched this episode of GLEE. A few things:

1. Giggled whenever Finn said "Grilled Cheesus" then felt guilty laughing
2. Noticed there where no updated Facebook statuses, maybe because it had a more serious feel than the usual "reach for the stars" feel
3. Rachel didn't have as many solos as before
4. Leading to the Asian girl [whose name is drawing a blank to me right now] had a wonderful solo at the ending song of "What If God was One of Us"
5.  This episode shows a lot of what the of a "relationship" can do.  Whether it be with you and God, you and a parent, you and a sibling, you and your bf/gf etc., when that relationship is taken away for a moment or life time or if it is mocked or ridiculed you then realize just how important that relationship is.
6.  "You need to believe in something"
7. Finn ate the grilled cheesus, after he prayed to it for about a week.  Gross.

GLEE is so good.  And I enjoy how I talk about it as if I know them, or know meaning of their episodes.  I really don't :]

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